Monthly archives: December, 2021

Chief Engineer to oil/chemical tanker

Требование и условия работы Требования: работа старшим механиком на танкерах и с таким типом ГД, знание английского языка Условия труда: -DWT 7111 ; -Контракт 4 мес; -Район плавания Черное и Средиземное моря; -Флаг Либерия, -M/E type: Wartsilla Заработная плата: 5750 usd

2 Officer, Oil tanker dwt 150.000

Требование и условия работы Требования: опыт работы на судах с таким тоннажом, USA visa Условия труда: -DWT 150.000; -Контракт 4 мес; -Район плавания World Wide; -Флаг Маршаловы острова, -M/E type: B&W, -BHP: Заработная плата: 5000 usd


The processing time for applications is maximum 15 days, as per the Schengen Regulation. In exceptional cases, this period may be extended up to 30 calendar days, notably when further scrutiny of the application is needed and when additional documentation is needed in specific cases, the period may be extended up to a maximum of …

Flag Endorsement to diploma

We can arrange Endorsements to CoC from following Maritime Administration -Panama -Malta -Liberia -Cambodia -Belize -Sent-Kitts&Nevis If your have another Flag Endorsement request – please touch us.

Seaman passport

We can arrange all procedures on getting at the Maritime Administration of seaman book and ID of seafarer. Оформление и выдача Удостоверения личности моряка Удостоверение личности моряка (УЛМ) выдается гражданам Российской Федерации, трудящимся по найму, занятым или работающим в любом качестве на борту морского судна (за исключением военного корабля), морского судна рыбопромыслового флота, а также …

Physical Examination

Physical examination We can provide medical examination in authorized centre. In certain day the specialists of centre will arrange the examination in convenient time for our Client. Your can call to our specialist and book the date +7(900) 122-86-71  

2 mate on oil bunker vessel

Requirement and working conditions Working conditions Oil tanker (works as a bunker) DWT 8000 Duration of the contract 2/2 months Area of operation: Skagen, Gothenburg Flag: Cyprus Requirements: Experience in tankers, bunkering Conditions: Salary 3500 EURO

Chief mate on an oil bunker vessel

Requirement and working conditions Working conditions Oil tanker (works as a bunker) DWT 8000 Duration of the contract 2/2 months Area of operation: Skagen, Gothenburg Flag: Cyprus Requirements: Experience in tankers, bunkering Conditions: Salary 6000 EURO

AB on a tanker

Requirement and working conditions Working conditions Tanker RF flag. Type RST 27, DW 7000, GRT 5077, 2014 (Krasnoe Sormovo). Navigation area: Caspian, Azov, Black Sea, Mediterranean GDP of the Russian Federation. Requirements: Availability of all permits for working on a river-sea oil tanker Work experience as a qualified seaman on an RST-27 / RST-25 / …